Friday, April 3, 2020

A Critique of Alex Malpass and Wes Morriston: The Case for a Potential Infinite being a Symmetry Breaker between a Beginningless Past and an Endless Future

Alex Malpass
Wes Morriston and Alex Malpass (MM) argue that there is no symmetry-breaker (SB) between a beginningless past and an endless future. They consider proposed SBs (potential infinity, non-actual potentiality, and non-existence) and demonstrate their inadequacy. 

Wes Morriston
There is no SB with the endless future being a potential infinite. If the future is endless, then the series of events that will be is an actual infinite. There is no SB with the future being non-actual because the series of potentialities that will be actual is actually infinite. There is no SB with the future being non-existent because the beginningless past is also composed of non-existent events. The endless future is composed of a series of events that will exist.